Kick-start your 4K UHD Blu-ray collection with the 6-movie boxset

Prices for individual 4K UHD discs can still be quite steep, but you’re all aboard the 4K train you might want to look at this 6-movie boxset, which features a collection of visually stunning movies that will show off your shiny new kit, all for just £39.99.

It’s not an exclusive release, it is available and in stock right now at HMV.

Order: HMV

Box contains:

  • The Revenant
  • Kingsman: The Secret Service
  • Life of Pi
  • Exodus: Gods and Kings
  • Independence Day
  • The Maze Runner

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1 Response

  1. Andrew Davies says:

    This is good in a way as I think soon we will start to see 4K Blu-ray come down in price which means it will start to penetrate the market more which will drive sales which will bring down prices. So I see this will mean 3D typically £18-£20 and Blu-ray typically £12-£15 at retail all come down as a lot of new 4K still around £19.99 or £24.99 in HMV stores, same online. I was pleased HMV (and Zoom I think) recently did and still have on a 2 for £30 on some of the earlier (and recent new but not new films (ie Hunger Gamesx4) 4K releases and just waiting on the last 3+ months 4K I want to go into a similar promotion as it will happen soon, this is how DVD started (2 for £45 I remember! in 1998 in Virgin) (ouch!), media like technology always comes down in price in time.I predict year end new chart DVD blockbusters will be £7 not £10, blu-ray £9/10 not £12/£15, 3D Blu-ray £13/15 and 4K £15 with soon 2 for £25/30 the norm for 4K in time. Let’s see.

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